April 15, 2003
Exchange Hell

So, the message store unmounted itself around 12:45 this PM. So I re-mounted it. And a minute later, it unmounted itself. ???

So a quick peek at the application log showed the application log was full. So I cleared it. And mounted again. And then I got the error when it unmounted. The store had reached it's size limit. "Eh?", I thought. There is no size limit. Google quickly told me that the Standard Edition of Exchange has a 16GB limit. Only, I was under the impression I had installed the Enterprise Edition. Apparently, I was mistaken. :(

So the mail/calendar server that's been in production for two weeks now goes out in the middle of the day. And it will take a few hours to defrag the store to free up space. And it worked, took only 2.5 hours, got it back up around 4pm, 3 hours after I first noticed there was a problem.

To fix this, I need to install the right version. Which we need to buy. So we get our reseller on the horn, he shoots us a quote, we get the PO filled out and signed, and run down to the Purchasing chick to get it processed. Only, she left early. So we run up to see her backup. Only, she's sick today. So we can't get the order in until Wed. AM, and it takes 2 days to get the media to us thanks to Microsoft's anti-Piracy bullshit.

So I'm nursing this wounded beast along for a few days. Trimmed a GB off the size. Added a temporary GB to the limit via a registry hack. I'll hit up the heavy users to trim some fat, and defrag again tomorrow night.

I've lost a lot of fights in my time. But losing the anti-Exchange one is proving to be the most painful.

Posted by danisaacs at April 15, 2003 09:31 PM | TrackBack

I had the Oracle guy look at it a few months ago, but never followed up. With only 200 users and a planned size of 30GB, I wasn't too worried. I'd prefer the Oracle back-end, just because that's something we do very well. Maybe for the upgrade in a few years.

And what's the matter Bradt? Lotus Notes giving you throat cancer? You must have been smoking something to suggest it.

Posted by: Perhaps Dan on April 16, 2003 08:54 AM

Dear God, NOT Lotus Notes.

Had a customer switch from Exchange to Notes. Within two months, they had orders in to DOUBLE/TRPILE their WAN bandwidth because of the giant bandwidth sucking app know as notes.

Don't get me wrong, I love the extra revenue. They just weren't happy their migration cost them another $240k a year.

Posted by: Brian on April 17, 2003 11:07 PM
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